1-888-228-9108 1-888-228-9108

Get Paid Faster! With our Rapid-Pay Program!
We only use U.S. Based Call Centers to Serve You!
ACT is brought to you by Liquid Resins Int. The industry leader in Windshield Repair.


Every time you repair a windshield, and it won't cost your customers a dime. The process is simple, your shop calls A.C.T., we verify that your customer has insurance coverage and then we bill the carrier for you. After deducting our processing fee, we pay you the rest.

Autoglass Claims Team (A.C.T.) expertly processes windshield glass repair claims for you. A.C.T.'s team of customer service representatives assist you and your customers by verifying insurance coverage, billing the insurance companies, and by electronically sending payments right into your banking account. Basically, A.C.T. allows you to offer "Free" windshield repair to your customers while eliminating the hassles normally involved with insurance work.

Got Questions? Call us at 1.888.228.9108